Autor: Daniela

Everything was frozen, even our water pipes, but beautiful to look at it
Flytying demo and good food
A nice little shop in Goldau had a open-days weekend with many nice people and good food. It was nice[…]
Fischen Jagen Schiessen
Busy weekend with 4 days flyting at the fischen jagen schiessen in Bern with a small part in the local[…]
Seatrout fishing in Denmark
We spent our X-mas holidays in Denmark at the coast, what a nice time. And it happened again that a[…]
Pike time!
We have the new possibilty to fish a small lake, called Inkwilersee. Fishing isn‘t easy but here the first sucess
Go for gold!
wow what a sucess! First place at the german open flytying contest in the category streamer, so proud about.
The EFFA opens
Yeah, again a first place in category streamer at the EFFA opens! Just awesome
First place!
I tooked part of the austrian flytying contest and was able the get the first prize at the category streamer
Small stream fishing
A nice, small, private river was our target today. Downstream streamer fishing was the rule and broth us success!