Just start with a dubbing loop and maybe some lead
fill the loop with Craft Fur in the color you like
spinn it around – try it if it stays there or not
brush it all in one direction
start to wrap it around the hook
keep going until 5mm before the hook eye
now you have a ugly bundle of craft fur on a hook
brush it all the the back
until you have a nice shape – because you did it in the loop your baitfish has more volume in the body and a nice shape
add some fibers in the opposite direction
take care that they sit around one side of the hook
add a darker color on the top
and maybe some red for the quills?
ribb them to that lenght you like it – don’t cut it
and now the trick for the perfect round head!
take a Pro Soft Sonic Disc in the color and size you like and put it on a threader
Here you find the Disc: http://
put all the material in the threader and get it thru the disc
until all the material is thru the disc
and then push it back over the hook eye. Don’t worry the discs are so soft, they will go easy over the eye
get all the material back over the disc
and put some uv resin or epoxy on it to hold it in that position
take some eyes you like
and add a little bit more resin to fix the eyes
and you have a perfect round head – so easy 🙂