My joker for deep pools in the river is this double tungsten nymph. A 3,3mm and a 3,8mm tungsten head is bringing that nymph really fast to the ground! Don’t forget to duck while casting 🙂
What you need:
- tungsten beats in two sizes
- nymph hook (here a partridge czech nymph in size 10)
- copper wire
- goose biots
- dubbing
- a hackle
- and some scud back
place the two beats on the hook
some goose biots as a tail and a some wire
dubbing body and cover with a ripping of wire, end it with a knot and cut the thread
start again and add two goose biots and tie in the scud back
add a dry fly hackle
flipp the scud back to front and fix it, cut the thread after a good knot
start tying again and fix the scud back
add again two goose biots and end the nymph
fix the scud back with some resin and just go fishing!